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Author Interview with Allison Floyd

Today, I present an interview with Allison Floyd, author of A Wider Universe.

1. First, can you tell me a bit about yourself? What would you like readers to know about you?

I’m from Massachusetts, born and raised. Graduated from Fairfield University and ever since then I’ve been writing and being as vocal as I can about feminism and equal rights. I am also staunching pro-Oxford comma.

2. What was the main inspiration that drove you to write A Wider Universe?

I was struck with the idea of someone showing up on your doorstep trying to sell you their religion during a British Lit class my senior year of college when we were reading Thomas More’s Utopia. More talks about an ideal society in which there is freedom of religion, but proselyting is forbidden. I thought “wow, that sounds great!” A story about a family grew from there.

3. Which character from A Wider Universe do you most identify with as the author?

I definitely relate the most to Danielle. She and I share an intellectual curiosity. I believe that if we could, we’d both continue to take college courses forever to keep learning because we just want to get our hands on as much knowledge as possible. We both also enjoy a substantive debate. I think we are both also old souls.

4. What inspired your choice for the setting of A Wider Universe?

I wanted to write about a setting I am familiar with; I grew up in New England but didn’t want to be one of those authors who only writes about the state she lives in. The kind of of rural, rolling hills backdrop for A Wider Universe seemed best suited to the Northeast. The month before my novel debuted I visited rural PA for a wedding and I was was driving I actually said out loud “Oh my god, this is exactly how I pictured it.”

5. What are you working on these days? Can you tell me about your current project?

I’m currently working on my second novel. It takes place in 1967-68 and follows a young, newly-graduated nurse.

6. How do you feel you’ve evolved as a writer as you’ve progressed in your career?

That’s a good question. I think I’ve been more open to challenging myself as a writer. My first novel was very straightforward. It was in my comfort zone of third person omniscient. My next novel is first person, so it’s writing from only one character’s perspective for the entirety of the story was a challenge.

7. How did you discover your love of writing?

I’ve always loved writing. When people would ask me in elementary school what I wanted to be when I grew up I’d tell them I was going to be an author. I used to write stories on printer paper and staple them together and create makeshift “books.” In high school I finally had a teacher tell me writing was something I really could do.

8. What is your favorite part of being a writer?

I love creating a reality that is entirely borne of my own imagination. It’s really exciting to discover things about your characters that simply come into existence as you’re writing them. I also love when I’m in the zone and the words are just flying across the pages. That’s one of the best feelings.

9. What is your greatest challenge as a writer?

Not being able to produce anything unless I’m feeling inspired. I’ll edit and do adjustments to text I’ve already put to paper but if I’m not feeling it, getting any new content is extremely challenging.

10. How do you find inspiration and motivation to write when you feel stuck?

Sometimes it’s as simple as re-reading what I’ve already written to get my back in the groove. Other times I really just need to step away until the inspiration comes back.

11. Aside from writing, what are you most passionate about?

I’m a very passionate person, about a LOT of things. I suppose other than writing my passion is equal rights activism.

12. What’s your favorite way to take a break from writing?

Usually binging old movies. I never know what’s going to get my brain ticking.

13. What’s one piece of advice that you would give to aspiring or new authors?

If you have a story–tell it. Don’t worry that no one will ever read it, or if it’s not good, or if you think nothing will ever come of it. Put it to paper. It could take you places you never thought you’d go.

To learn more about Allison and her work, you can find her at the places below:

Twitter: @AllisonRFloyd
Website: https://allisonfloydauthor.wordpress.com/

You can also read my review of A Wider Universe here.